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True Divine Power: Embracing Love and Unity

By Kay Prosser

Power, in its various definitions, can be the capacity to influence behavior, the authority to make decisions, or even a source of energy. However, true power transcends these definitions. Power has been deeply distorted in the human consciousness, and if we are to embrace power in its true form, both as individuals and a collective, we must address these misunderstandings so we can release our fears and negative beliefs around this divine energy.

According to the guides, true power is only activated through love and must be shared by two or more beings to reach its full magnitude. It is an original code for humanity, activated in the Sparkles of Love program the 33 Codes of Origin. Code number 25 of the 33 Codes is Power. The initial 24 codes were each held by an original creator being, but the last 9 codes are shared between a pair of these beings, and so it is fitting that the first of the shared codes begins with Power.

True Power is Rooted in Love
True power is inseparable from the vibration of love. If your heart isn't wide open, you can't access or activate real power. This type of power isn't about control or force; it exudes naturally and feels gentle yet immensely strong. It's a quiet, calm presence that doesn't need to be proclaimed.

Shared Power
One key characteristic of true power is that it's always shared. The full magnitude of power can only be realized when it is shared between two or more individuals. This doesn't mean individuals can't have power, but they won't have access to its full potential alone. This shared nature of power reinforces the importance of partnership, unity, and collaboration.

Balance of Divine Energies
The re-anchoring of the divine feminine energy in recent years and re-balancing these energies with the divine masculine has been essential for activating true power. This balance is crucial for true power to manifest because there must be a harmonious integration of both energies to shift into a new era of balance, harmony and union.

Activation and Alignment
True power requires alignment with oneself, an open heart, and a connection to the highest self and source. It's not something you can misuse or abuse, as it won't activate unless all these conditions are met. When you're aligned with your highest self and source, and your intentions are pure, you can access this power.

Real Power in Practice
An example of true power in practice is seen in spiritual gatherings or group healings. When individuals come together with open hearts and aligned intentions, they can access a level of power far greater than any one person could achieve alone. This collective power is transformative and profound.

Power of Oneness
When you connect with another person from your heart space and align your energies, you tap into real power. This happens because you are returning to oneness. In this way, power is part of oneness. By moving into oneness with others, you elevate to a higher level of group consciousness.

No Ego in True Power
True power is devoid of ego. It doesn't boast or seek control. Instead, it's a state of being deeply connected, aligned, and acting from a space of love. It's about standing in the fullness of oneself while being in partnership with others.

Individual Power
Individuals also have their own power, but the full magnitude of power cannot be accessed alone. True power for an individual means standing in the fullness of self, being fully aligned, and acting from a space of love.

Understanding and embodying true power requires a shift from traditional notions of power. It's not about dominance or control but about unity, love, and shared purpose. Consider how to align with the true energy of power in your own lives. As we activate and integrate these qualities, we move closer to realizing the full potential of divine power.

Let's continue to open our hearts, connect with our highest selves, and walk this path towards unity consciousness together.

Kay, Sparkles Team

Wisdom from the 33 Codes of Origin


By Kay Prosser 11 Jun, 2024
In the journey of life, we often focus on external accomplishments, relationships, and material possessions, hoping they will bring us happiness and fulfillment. Yet, the most profound source of joy lies within us, in the practice of self-love. Understanding self-love as a vibrational energy and state of being can transform our lives in ways we never imagined. The Vibrational Energy of Self-Love Everything in the universe is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies, including our thoughts and emotions. When we cultivate self-love, we align ourselves with higher vibrational frequencies that resonate with positivity, peace, and harmony. This elevated state of being can attract similar energies, creating a cycle of positivity and abundance. Self-love is not just about pampering ourselves or indulging in our desires; it's about honoring our true essence, embracing our flaws, and nurturing our soul. It involves recognizing our worth, setting healthy boundaries, and treating ourselves with the same kindness and compassion we offer others. When we genuinely love ourselves, we emit a powerful energy that not only transforms our inner world but also influences our external reality. The State of Being in Self-Love Self-love is a continuous practice, a state of being that we consciously choose every day. It requires mindfulness and a deep connection with our inner self. Here are some ways to cultivate self-love as a vibrational state of being: - Practice Self-Compassion: Be gentle with yourself, especially during challenging times. Acknowledge your feelings without judgment and offer yourself the same compassion you would give a dear friend. - Affirm Your Worth: Use positive affirmations to reinforce your self-worth. Statements like "I am more than enough," "I am worthy of love and respect," and "I am deserving of happiness" can shift your mindset and elevate your energy. - Set Boundaries: Protect your energy by setting healthy boundaries. Learn to say no to people and situations that drain you, and prioritize activities that nourish your soul. - Engage in Self-Care: Regularly engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Whether it's taking a walk in nature, reading a book, meditating, or practicing a hobby, self-care is essential for maintaining a high vibrational state. - Connect with Your Inner Self: Spend time in introspection and self-reflection. Practices like meditation, journaling, and mindfulness can help you connect with your inner self and cultivate a deeper sense of self-love. Transforming Your Life Through Self-Love When we embrace self-love as a vibrational energy and state of being, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities. We become more resilient, confident, and aligned with our true purpose. Our relationships improve as we attract people who respect and value us. We experience greater peace and fulfillment as we are no longer reliant on external validation for our happiness. In essence, self-love is the foundation of a vibrant and joyful life. By nurturing this powerful energy within us, we can transform not only our own lives but also positively impact the world around us. Embrace self-love and watch as your life blossoms into a beautiful reflection of your highest self. Cultivating self-love as a vibrational energy and state of being is a journey worth being intentional about. It invites us to delve deeper into our true selves, honor our worth, and create a life filled with joy, peace, and abundance. Let self-love be the inner guiding light on your path to a higher vibrational state of being. Kay, Sparkles Team
By Analarai Sagle 30 May, 2024
Do you remember as a child creating new games, colouring, playing with imaginary friends, building forts or sandcastles, doing crafts, making up stories, or more? As a child, creativity is a part of everyday life, it is often how we play, how we live, how we learn, and for some, how we survive. As we begin school, grow up and move into adulthood, many of us are encouraged or forced to leave this aspect behind to step into the “real world”. Consequently, creativity can also bring up many fears and triggers of failure, not good enough, and self criticism. This is deeply unfortunate because we are losing a deep connection with ourselves, with the flow, our inner Source, and our Divine Self. To the child-self it can truly feel like a betrayal of who you are. When our creativity is ignored or shut down it makes us more manageable, easier to influence, and essentially less sovereign. Yes, we can access creativity in our work lives, but it is often in so much more of a limited manner. Moving into the energies of creativity increases our vibration, often allowing us to experience joy, abandonment of time, and a sense of playful accomplishment. Creativity can take you more out of the brain (or the left side anyway) and move you into your heart space, and more into the intuitive portion of you. When you move into creativity, the Guides share that you are opening new pathways in your human brain and in the energetics around you. Recently, I went on my first painting retreat facilitated by the well-known and gifted artist Autumn Skye ( ). The day before leaving, huge fears overtook me, so much so that they manifested in physical pain, and I was sure I was going to have to miss the retreat! I spent all day clearing fears… fear of failure, fear of judgment, not good enough, fear of physical pain… You name it, I worked on it! I did so much clearing that I attended the retreat in joy, without expectations or fear. When I arrived, I was so grateful I had been oblivious to the level of talent of the other attendees. My triggers would have been even worse! There were 22 attendees, and of the 22 only 3 of us were beginners. Most were already very accomplished or professional artists, here to hone their skills. Whereas I had never even painted with a brush before. From this positive, open space of allowing, I was surprised by my own creativity and what I was able to do for my first time. My intention was to complete a painting for myself, and not only did I accomplish this, but I also made something I really love! Most importantly, I had fun and fully embraced the pleasure of being a participant. The image for this blog is the photo I took of my painting at the retreat. The colours and brush patterns for the background are reminiscent of the Aurora Borealis. What is so special about this is that I witnessed a spectacular display of Aurora Borealis during the retreat. The Guides have shared that this event was not only a light show, but indeed new light codes for new energies coming onto the planet. The Guides have asked me to add these new Aurora Borealis Codes of Light to my painting. Once this part is done, the painting will truly be complete. Then I will sign it and share the finished piece. When we move into the creative space, it allows the Divine to move through us, to be inspired and to access the magic we truly are! As adults, creativity can take so many different forms… cooking, design, wood-working, gardening, art, colouring, creating music, building projects, writing, and more. The activity is not so important, it is the feelings of it being something fun and joyful for you that makes your heart smile. So here is my challenge to each of you: do something creative this week. Bonus points if you try something brand new! Allow yourself to get caught up in the energy of excitement, joy and playfulness. Have fun and see where it takes you. Allow your heart to expand, your intuition to come forth, and your chatty brain to quieten. Share what you tried with us in the comments of this post on our social media pages! Ana-La-Rai
By Kay Prosser 17 May, 2024
Authenticity is a journey of self-discovery, a path illuminated by the light of our true selves. It's about embracing our divinity and aligning with the essence of who we are. We find our authenticity when we become aligned to truth. The profound nature of truth, particularly the truth of self, is our guide towards living authentically. Truth is not merely a concept, it’s a vibration. It is the compass that aligns us with our soul, helping us navigate life's twists and turns with clarity and purpose. Living authentically, then, is about being in harmony with this inner compass, allowing it to guide our thoughts, words, and actions. One of the most intriguing aspects of truth is its relationship with time. Truth is only in the now moment—it is an expression of the present. This means that truth is dynamic, and our truth will change and evolve as much as we do. Also, there is a distinction between the truth of self and the truth of others. Just as we are learning to discern alignment with our innermost being, so too are others having their own experiences and alignment. While both are integral to our understanding of truth, our focus is on the truth of self. The dynamic nature of truth emphasizes the need for us to be fully present, to listen to our intuition, if we want to be aligned and to feel the truth in our bodies. This ability to feel truth means we can develop a keen sense for it. How often have we felt the truth of a situation, the resonance of authenticity or lack of it, in our gut? This is a manifested sensation of the vibration of truth. Children often sense incongruences between words and energy, and this sense enables us to trust our instincts and develop discernment. This innate sensitivity is something we can become more attuned to. However, as we mature, many of us learn to suppress these feelings, disconnecting from our inner truth. The longer we remain disconnected, the more distant we become from our true selves, and the harder it becomes to live authentically. There is a very real impact on us from living inauthentically. When we stray from our truth, when we suppress our true selves, we diminish our light. We become less connected to our essence and the divine truth within us. This sense of disconnection can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction, unhappiness, and lack of vitality. As we delve further into the vibration of truth, we uncover that truth has a profound effect on the energetic system, specifically on the heart and throat chakras. Withholding one’s truth can alter the state of the heart chakra, diminishing the efficiency of this energy system and partially closing it down. We may experience this when suppressing our self-expression in specific areas of our lives or for extended periods of time. Speaking untruths distorts our energetic fields so that discerning truth becomes difficult. Over extended periods this distortion can damage the condition of the throat chakra. It's important to note that the throat chakra isn't solely about telling the truth, but untruths can indeed harm this energetic system. Speaking from a place of truth and clarity nurtures these chakras, supporting the overall energy systems, much like clean water and natural food support the physical body, enabling the energy of source to flow freely through us. As these chakras fully activate and the energy of source flows easily through, accessing love and clarity becomes easier. This allows for finding one's voice and, importantly, for allowing the inner voice of knowing to come forward. Given the current high frequencies on the planet, there's a growing need for us to take ownership of how our own vibrational states affects us on all levels. Practising our ability to align to and discern truth is a critical component for us if we are to step towards self mastery and embrace authenticity. To live authentically is to own our sovereignty, guided by the compass of truth that resides within us. Truth serves as a beacon illuminating the path to our divine selves, urging us towards our true divine nature. Embracing our truth can lead to a transformative journey, aligning us with our soul's intentions and the unfolding of our full potential. Kay, Sparkles Team Inspired by Lord Shiva's Advanced Chakras and the 33 Codes of Origin
By Kay Prosser 08 May, 2024
Prosperity is our natural birthright. However, the challenges of living in a dualistic world often obscure this divine truth. The good news is that with the current shifts in energies, new opportunities are arising for individuals to reconnect with their inherent prosperity. With these shifts, a new, more expansive definition of prosperity is emerging, one that transcends the limitations of viewing prosperity solely as material wealth. This broader perspective understands prosperity as being the embodiment of our magnificence in all aspects of life. Prosperity is expansion, unlimited, that energy of creation and manifestation, and of course your own divinity. All these vibrational states contribute to the true essence of your divine abundance. Therefore, prosperity includes not only financial abundance but also encompasses health, relationships, creativity, and spirituality. It's about embracing our divine selves and realizing our true potential in every area of our lives. An easy way to tap into the energy of prosperity is to cultivate a friendship with appreciation. Appreciation is like a magic wand that helps us raise our vibration and attract positivity. Developing a true practise of appreciation further amplifies the vibration of prosperity around us. When we feel loved and accepted, which are core tenets of appreciation, our vibration naturally rises. Appreciation for ourselves, for others, for anything we can feel appreciation for, aligns us with the energy of prosperity and enhances the overall vibrational resonance of prosperity in our lives. This new way of looking at prosperity reminds us that the energetic opportunities before us are unprecedented! Embrace this higher definition of prosperity on your journey to embody more of your magnificent self and dive into new waves of abundance in all its forms. Kay, Sparkles Team Inspired by The Prosperity Angels
By Kay Prosser 01 May, 2024
Within spiritual practices, there is a belief in the power to infuse personal items with positive energies. This concept, often associated with creativity and divine flow, involves infusing objects like artwork or crystals with intentions of hope, upliftment, and healing. Crystals hold energetic properties that can be harnessed for support, energetic work, or healing. By setting intentions and focusing energy, individuals can charge crystals with specific purposes, such as promoting peace, enhancing clarity, or boosting confidence. Artists of all kinds often find themselves in a state of flow, a transcendent state where creativity seems to effortlessly pour forth. This state is a connection to the divine, where the energies of inspiration and creation are imbued into the artwork. Combining these concepts of flow and intention, one can create artwork that serves not only as a visual expression but also as a vessel for positive energies. Each brushstroke or carved form can be infused with intentions of healing, hope, or upliftment. Likewise, incorporating charged crystals into creative work can further enhance its energetic qualities, creating a powerful tool for personal support and growth. The image for this blog is one such energetic art piece. This Sparkles of Love painting was charged for a client with the energies of joy, healing, peace, passion, and creativity to use in their healing practice with clients as it is also designed to energetically resonate with what the client in the session needs most. This process of infusing personal items with positive energies requires mindfulness and intentionality. It is a practice that invites us to tap into our creativity and connect with the divine flow of the universe. Through this practice, we can cultivate a sense of hope, upliftment, and healing in our lives, using our creativity as a gateway to higher energies and deeper spiritual connections. As we create, let us remember the power we hold to infuse our creations with positive energies, transforming them into sources of personal support and upliftment. May we embrace the divine flow of creativity, allowing it to guide us towards healing and growth. Kay, Sparkles Team Inspired by Sparkles of Art
By Kay Prosser 24 Apr, 2024
Welcome to the joyful side of life! Joy is a superpower, buzzing with high-energy vibes that lights us up inside and out, making everything sparkle a little brighter. Joy is beyond happiness. It’s exuberant, it’s ecstatic. It’s hard to contain because there is such a strong flow of energy with it. In short, joy is experiencing the energetic bliss of source and the divine. So in celebrating the magic that joy brings to our lives, here are some ways you can boost your day with joy. Start Your Day with Dance First thing in the morning, engage with this kind of fun movement for a minute or two to set the energies of joy, positive momentum, and creativity for your day. Dancing is one of the fastest ways to lift your mood, release stress, and raise your vibration, and it’s so easy to do! Creativity Opens You Up Open to flow, open to inspiration, open to your higher levels of self and more! But this isn’t why we are creative, we do it because it feels good. Creativity doesn’t need to be structured or formal. In fact, the more free flowing you are with it, likely the more fun you will have and the more it will benefit you vibrationally. How do you express your creativity? Here are some quick ideas: - Finger paints, sidewalk chalk, or toilet paper roll sculptures are easy, inexpensive ways to engage with creativity and your inner preschooler. - Make meal prep fun! Listen to music or funny podcasts, dance or sing while you move, and overall engage with food prep as an activity of flow instead of a chore. If you like to bake, make time for it. If you are short on time, split the recipes so you can prep one day and complete the next. If you will cook or bake more often if someone else does the eating, get creative about how and where to share your creations. - Add colour! Whether it’s with your accessories, your make-up, or your spreadsheet themes, adding colours can brighten your day, improve your mood, and express your playful side. Shake Your Sillies Out Remember feeling silly when you were a kid? Playtime and giggling will open your heart, lift your spirits, and make life fun. It’s ok to not take yourself seriously for a moment and this post is your reminder to do just that! If it has been a while since you’ve expressed your sillies, here are some ideas to inspire you: - Crack kind jokes that make you laugh. - Stop, literally, and smell the roses, or lilacs, or whatever happens to be in season. - Remember when we talked about baking? Do those cookies need eyes? Yes. Yes they do. - Sing. Seriously. Try it! Sing off-key loud, proud, and on purpose. - Don’t “dance”, wiggle! Dance like a puppet! Dance like a character from an old cartoon. - Don’t just walk or jog, skip or flail your arms. The bigger, the better. - Wear a costume to do chores. Why? Why not. - Take inspiration from your childhood. What were your favourite activities? Who were your favourite entertainers? Mine were Mr. Dressup, Robert Munsch, and the Muppets. Colours, costumes, and outrageous comedy were all key components, so it’s no wonder that live performance is a big part of what brings me joy today as an adult. What is this for you? Share your joys and sillies with us in the comments of this post on our social media pages! Kay, Sparkles Team
By Kay Prosser 16 Apr, 2024
The pursuit of eternal youth and vitality transcends mere human physicality and delves deep into the realms of energy and consciousness. Rejuvenation, in its true essence, is not simply about maintaining a youthful appearance; it is about reconnecting with our original energetics, our innate blueprint as human beings. This change is both personal and planetary, deeply intertwined with Earth's new energetics. The processes for rejuvenation are rapidly evolving, guided by the presence of beings like KariLa who bring a fresh perspective to the concept of regeneration. This new approach involves profound cellular changes, aligning with the principles of longevity, strength, and the reawakening of dormant gifts and abilities. It represents a significant shift that goes beyond surface-level changes, delving into the very core of our existence. Central to this rejuvenation process is the emergence of a new auric field. This fresh template for our energetic systems enables us to embrace higher and newer frequencies that are emerging. The auric field plays a pivotal role in shaping our perceptions and in how we absorb energies into our being. This pristine auric field, unlike any seen before on Earth, necessitates learning new ways to interact with our fields and aligning with the new vibrations and energies of the new Earth. Another critical aspect of rejuvenation is shedding the fear of aging and embracing the process of aging with grace and ease. This requires us to challenge the prevalent perceptions and beliefs around aging that are deeply embedded in the collective consciousness. By acknowledging and reframing our own views on aging, we can begin to disengage from the energetic matrix of aging that surrounds us. This process involves setting intentions for health and vitality, and being mindful of our words and thoughts, as they play a pivotal role in creating a new narrative around aging. Cellular regeneration lies at the heart of the rejuvenation process, focusing on revitalizing specific organs or body systems to a more pristine state. This entails dissolving any disalignment within the body and commencing with one organ at a time. A special download of newvenation energy is employed for this purpose, tailored to the individual’s DNA and original energetic blueprint, and blended with drops of their essence of purity. This process not only supports the body's innate regenerative abilities but also serves as a testament to the body's capability to rejuvenate itself. Rejuvenation is a holistic journey that encompasses physical, energetic, and spiritual dimensions of our being. By realigning with our original blueprint and harmonizing with the new energies that are emerging, we can undergo a profound transformation that transcends apparent limitations and touches the very core of our essence.  Kay, Sparkles Team Inspired by KariLa
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