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Patience or Pessimism?

By Kay Prosser

Are you familiar with the phrase, "patience is a virtue"? Did it translate in your childhood as a forbidding, "don’t ask, the answer is no"? Even now, does reading this make you cringe a little?

Many admit that patience isn't their strong suit. In hearing this, I used to wonder what the fuss was about. Patience seemed necessary given life's slow pace of change. So, I was a little surprised when my guidance began to nudge me towards practising patience. I believed I was patient, save for a few exceptions. However, in calling on the vibration of patience, it has occurred to me that I might have mistaken pessimism for patience.

Misidentifying pessimism as patience can be a subtle but significant trap. Pessimism often involves a negative outlook and expectation of failure or disappointment. While patience involves waiting calmly and trustingly for things to unfold in their own time. Patience can lead to greater resilience, understanding, and peace of mind.

If pessimism seems a bit extreme for your experience, then perhaps the energy and mindset of resignation might be more familiar to you. Resignation, like pessimism, can also be a subtle trap that inhibits growth and change. While resignation may not carry the same negative connotations as pessimism, it can still limit your ability to envision and work towards a better future.

Patience, on the other hand, is about maintaining a sense of hope and optimism while accepting the present moment. It involves trusting that things can improve and being willing to work towards that improvement, even if it takes time. If you find yourself feeling resigned to your current circumstances, it may be helpful to re-frame your perspective.

Instead of seeing the present as being as good as it gets, try to cultivate a sense of possibility and openness to change. This doesn't mean denying or ignoring the challenges you face, but rather approaching them with a mindset of resilience and determination. Practicing gratitude, setting realistic goals, and seeking out new opportunities for growth and learning can help you move beyond resignation and towards a more positive and proactive approach to life.

Mistaking resignation for patience can be easy, especially when faced with persistent challenges or setbacks. When someone realizes, like I did, that they are actually very impatient with life, there are several strategies we can use to cultivate patience. Here are some ideas you can try out for yourself:

 Self-Awareness and Mindfulness: Be aware of your thoughts, emotions, and reactions, opening up possibilities for growth.
Change Your Perspective: Guide your thoughts towards patience, optimism, and resilience. See setbacks as opportunities for learning and trust in the unfolding of time.
Set Goals and Dream: Allow yourself to dream for a warm, uplifting feeling. Set clear goals and break them into manageable steps.
Celebrate and Appreciate:
Cultivate gratitude for the present and celebrate small victories to shift focus from impatience.
Seek Support: Surround yourself with positivity and seek joyous activities. Asking for help is okay and can provide new coping strategies.
Develop Resilience: Incorporate positives into your life to fuel resilience. Learn from challenges to become clearer in who you are and what you value.
Practice and Reflect: Be present without judgment. Engage in patience-building activities and reflect on your approach to situations.

By integrating these strategies into your daily routine, you can nurture a more patient and optimistic approach to life. This journey towards patience is ongoing, demanding practice and self-reflection. As you cultivate a more patient and optimistic outlook, you can enhance your overall sense of well-being. I, too, will be focusing on this journey, and I encourage you to join me in embracing the rewards of patience and optimism in our lives.

Kay, Sparkles Team

By Kay Prosser 13 Sep, 2024
If you follow Sparkles of Love, you have likely watched a video or read a newsletter talking about the evolution of the Chakra System. While this upgrade is a significant step for the Awakening, let’s talk about some of the things you might not know about the chakra system that are relevant whether you have an Advanced Chakra System or not. To support this discussion, direct quotes from Lord Shiva are included in italics below. The chakra system is similar to the other body systems, “much like your skeleton or your nervous system, it is just one that does not have a physical presence. But it is the way in which the love, the source energy, the light, the codes, enter the physical realm and the body. This chakra system can get badly damaged or tightly closed but it never shuts down completely or you would die, for it is the energy of source that moves through you.” Continuing with the chakra system only partially open, or treating it as individual pieces, “it becomes more and more difficult to bring in the higher frequencies. [At] this time on your planet with the frequencies going so high, it is truly time now to bring forth all of the chakra system and to have a greater understanding of how you affect it.” To fully understand the chakra system’s purpose and role in our well-being, the chakras themselves need to be understood as parts of a complete integrated whole. This new understanding signals how we are truly entering a new age of energetics and beingness. The rainbow colour sequence of the chakra system was adapted at a time when tuning to these commonly known frequencies and colours would bring the system into a better energetic alignment. These assigned colours are no longer relevant. “Let go of all of what you've known about the colors of each chakra for that was information that was needed to be given to the humans at a time and place of space to assist them, but that has changed.” Keeping to this well-known construct can limit the vibrational frequencies you are receiving and allowing now. Lord Shiva shares, “your chakras change colors as to the energy flow and to where you are, your own vibrational frequency… All the chakras can be the same color depending on the person's vibration, yes and they can all be different as well, so it is not one vibration, one color. [ We] want you to no longer stick to certain colors of certain chakras for that limits yourself. If you are looking at them, simply go in and look or ask what color it is this moment. [You] can change it or ask it to change to something else and see how that feels in your body.” This is also the case for the sound frequencies commonly associated with each chakra. As we and the energies evolve, it becomes more and more important to “be more tuned in and present” to feel, sense, and experience the energies as they come in because “it is not about what it used to be…The more you understand energy and your own system it will not really matter what color it is.” The purpose and function of individual chakras, like the chakra colours, might be different from what you expect as well. Developing our understanding of the chakras’ functions can help broaden our awareness of our own energetic systems and our impact on them. Below highlights some of the unique features of the throat and earth-star chakras to give you a sense of the depth of this new information from Lord Shiva. A common interpretation for the throat chakra is on the theme of speaking one’s truth. While this isn’t incorrect per se, Lord Shiva clarifies the nuances for the basis of this interpretation by beginning with the understanding that “the throat chakra has been deeply distorted and damaged over many lifetimes.” “Let me explain why, for in these human lives you have learned to speak untruths to yourself and to others. [Some] are big untruths, and some are small ones that you justify, but each untruth you speak affects the throat chakra for it is an energy of distortion that goes into the chakra system into the throat chakra… I must clarify the throat chakra is not about telling the truth but it, the untruth, does do damage to this energetic system.” The vibration of Truth also demonstrates how the chakras are interrelated. The distortion of Truth not only impacts the throat chakra, “but when you hold your truth or withhold your truth, or hold your tongue as they say, then it affects the heart chakra” as well. The earth-star chakra is unique in it’s structure from the other chakras, and “there was not a forgotten part in this one, you just didn't understand what it was for.” There are multiple purposes for this chakra, all of which are “very specific to your life on earth” as it is “the connector chakra.” First of all, it “keeps you connected to the earth plane.” And so, the earth-star chakra is there to “assist you with grounding, to assist you in bringing the source energies into Gaia.” It is the “anchor to earth or Gaia” and provides an “anchor point for the physical body onto earth.” As such, “it is a chakra designed for the physical form for the body.” Second, it connects you to your past-life experiences on Earth. The earth-star chakra “holds the memories of your lifetimes on earth… so that the physical form may have access to these experiences.” However, it does not allow you to travel and fully experience these other times. Instead, this chakra functions like a storage box of reference material that you have access to as “all memories are held in the earth star chakra, all past earth life experiences.” It’s important to reiterate that while the chakras “can work individually, [they] work best in conjunction and cooperation with each other as a whole system." Opening a chakra system that has not yet been upgraded can be accomplished through many different strategies. Meditation and tuning are not the only methods to do this. Some of the simplest ways “to continue opening the chakras and keeping the system as open as possible [include] movement and dance, joy and laughter, and yes, sexual energy and sexual pleasure as well. [These are] all ways to help keep the system functioning optimally.” This important insight demonstrates the true power of joy in our lives. If it has been difficult to accept fun and playfulness as part of your spiritual journey, let this new awareness inspire you to explore joy. When we talk about being able to receive more energy, it’s not just that more is always better, it’s that the energies are different now and rapidly changing to significantly higher vibrations. Our ability to adapt on the physical, emotional and energetic levels happens more gracefully when our systems receive upgrades that are specifically designed for these higher vibrations. Spiritual programs that open next level pathways for you and your energy systems, like The Advanced Chakra Program, allow for more, “as though you have water pipes going into your house and [they have] quadrupled in size so that far more can come in.” When we feel energetically overwhelmed, there is undue pressure on the pipes, where the capacity of the pipes and the influx of flow are not harmoniously aligned in that moment. This restriction of flow no longer needs to be a limitation of your chakra system. “[It] has been a long time on your planet while you open and clear your chakras regularly, that they have not really functioned fully as they should.” That time is ending. Not only has the chakra system evolved, but this specific upgrade is one of the most significant evolutionary changes for humanity. Some of the key benefits of the evolution of the Chakra system include the following: Never having to open, close, or clear your chakras again Ability to receive the newest planetary energies with more grace and ease Ability to receive the highest frequencies available Clearer connections and receiving of energies from Guides & Source Your chakra system now functions as a single system, in harmony, rather than individual pieces As we continue to evolve energetically, the chakra system remains a vital aspect of our spiritual journey, whether we have upgraded to the Advanced Chakra System or not. This new understanding invites us to go beyond outdated concepts and embrace the fluidity of our spiritual paths in response to the ever-changing energies. By cultivating a deeper awareness of how our chakras function and interact, we can align more harmoniously with higher frequencies and experience a greater sense of well-being. Let this knowledge inspire you to explore your own energetic system with curiosity and openness, knowing that your spiritual evolution is beautifully supported by these profound shifts. For those of you ready for more, we highly recommend upgrading your energy system to the Advanced Chakras. With all the profound, leading-edge programs that come through Sparkles of Love, Ana-La-Rai still states that the Advanced Chakras Program Part 1&2 were the most significant energetic upgrade she received that have resulted in the most direct, visible changes in her life experience. The Advanced Chakra Program is available on its own as a 2-part series, or you can get Part 1 as part of the comprehensive Accelerated Awakening Package. Follow the links below to find out more. Kay, Sparkles Team
By Kay Prosser 22 Aug, 2024
The limitless nature of our being is deeply connected to the vibration of love. When we align ourselves with love, we unlock our true potential. Yet, the illusion of limitation, rooted in duality and separation, often obscures this potential. These limitations drain our energy, trapping us in patterns of self-doubt and restriction. However, shifting to an unlimited state is not only possible—it’s our natural way of being. Spiritual awakening is a personal journey, a path of expansion and self-discovery. While Beings of Light can offer guidance and tools, true awakening comes from within. It is a personal journey no one else can do for you. It emerges from the stillness and self-awareness that resides within each of us, waiting to be uncovered. To release limitations, it’s essential to identify the limiting beliefs or self-imposed restrictions that hold you back. These beliefs often stem from past experiences, societal conditioning, or deeply ingrained patterns of thought. The process of uncovering them can take time, as they tend to reveal themselves in layers. At this stage of discovery we often find help from a healer to be valuable, as they can see what we can not within ourselves. With patience, clear intention, and maybe some support, you can begin to dismantle these barriers and keep your journey moving forward. Awakening requires a commitment to the inner work necessary for transformation. One way to release limitations is through a combination of mental focus and energetic practices. This may involve meditation, visualization, or sitting in stillness to allow divine light to flow through you while you expand your energy and consciousness. Another way many find faster results is through personal sessions with a trusted healer. As you work to dissolve these limitations, you’ll notice your inner world beginning to shift, opening up new possibilities and perspectives. As you progress on your journey, your personal growth contributes to the collective awakening of humanity. Your inner work sends ripples of positive energy into the world, helping to raise the vibration of the collective consciousness. By living in the vibration of love, we can transcend the constraints of duality and step into our unlimited selves. When we embrace love as our guiding force, we break free from the illusions that have kept us limited and small, allowing us to become what we truly are—unlimited, expansive, and deeply connected to the divine. Are you ready to embrace your limitless nature? The journey begins within.  Kay, Sparkles Team Wisdom from the Advanced Opportunities and the 33 Codes of Origin
By Kay Prosser 14 Aug, 2024
As you navigate the spiritual ascension process, it's essential to remember that your physical body is just as vital as your spiritual and emotional well-being. Ascension can bring about profound changes, and your body needs support to integrate these shifts smoothly. Here are some reminders and some ideas you may not have considered for holistic strategies you can incorporate to help you care for your physical body during this transformative journey. Nourish Your Body Start with the basics: nutrition and hydration. A balanced diet rich in whole and plant-based foods provides the nutrients your body needs to thrive. Avoid processed foods, excessive sugars, and caffeine, which can disrupt your energy levels. Equally important is hydration—drink plenty of purified water to flush out toxins and keep your cells functioning optimally. Stay Active Physical activity is crucial in grounding your energy and maintaining overall health. Regular exercise, whether it’s yoga, walking, or tai chi, helps to release stored energy and reduce tension. Incorporating stretching into your routine can also keep your body flexible and prevent stiffness, especially when you have been running high energies, clearing, or meditating for long periods. Prioritize Rest and Recovery Sleep is your body’s time to repair and rejuvenate. Make sure you’re getting enough rest and create a calming bedtime routine to improve the quality of your sleep. If you feel fatigued during the day, listen to your body and take short naps or breaks to recharge. You may find you are more tired when experiencing significant energetic shifts and needing more down time or quiet than usual. Allow yourself to actually rest during the time you set aside for this. Practice Breathwork and Meditation Deep breathing exercises can do wonders for your nervous and cardiovascular systems, helping you stay calm and centered. These two body systems are frequently stressed, so regular meditation not only supports mental clarity but also balances your body systems and energy, making it easier to navigate the ups and downs of ascension. Explore Energy Healing Energy healing practices like Reiki, acupuncture, or grounding techniques can help clear and balance your energy. If it has been a while, ask your Highest Self and guides to upgrade the tools you use, like the Violet Flame, so that your tools are up to date with the current energies. Think of it like updating the software on your phone or computer. Spending time in nature, walking barefoot on the earth, or practising grounding meditations can strengthen your connection to the Earth's energy, anchoring you during times of intense spiritual growth. Natural water sources help align you to the Universal Heart, so visit place of nature that include bodies of water to feel soothed and more relaxed. A new energy is available that is designed to help the physical human body begin the process of returning to its original state of health. This Full Spectrum Source Light is easy to access and can be used daily. Read more in the Sparkles blog, Full Spectrum Rainbow Source Light . Tend to Your Emotional and Mental Health Processing your emotions is an essential part of the ascension journey. Journaling can be a powerful tool for understanding and releasing emotional blocks. Sparkles of Love has also developed the Accelerated Awakening Quiz to give you insight on your unique approach to walking a spiritual path. You can take the quiz here to help prompt yourself into deeper self-reflection and awareness. Maintain Spiritual Practices Consistent spiritual practices, whether through prayer, meditation, or other rituals, are important habits to create as the physical and spiritual are not separate, but rather, deeply interconnected. Connect to pure Source light frequently, work directly with your Highest Self, and build a relationship with your Guides who are there to support and assist you. Creating a sacred space in your home where you can retreat for these practices can provide a sense of peace and grounding. Remember, your home is also an energetic container, so make sure to clear and set the energies as needed. Seek Community and Support Connecting with like-minded individuals or joining a spiritual community can offer invaluable support. Whether through shared experiences or guidance from a spiritual mentor, having a support system can make the ascension process more manageable. Physical touch and proximity to other humans can support the well-being of our body systems as well. If you live alone, or experience an isolated lifestyle, consider reaching out to friends who are willing to meet regularly with the added ritual of greeting and parting with a hug. Alternatively, a holistic service like massage therapy may be a beneficial strategy to consider. In addition, this is where new tools like the Lemurian Light Cloak and the Divine Stability Platform can be highly beneficial. The Lemurian Light Cloak is a buffer against energetic disturbances from others. Ideal for empaths and sensitive individuals, this cloak helps you navigate the energetics outside of your home-space without feeling overwhelmed. The Divine Stability Platform complements this by offering a steady energetic foundation that keeps your vibration stable and balanced throughout the day. Together, these tools offer you the energetic fortitude needed to thrive in shared spaces. Consider Detoxification Detoxifying your body through gentle methods such as herbal teas or cleansing diets can support your body’s natural processes. Additionally, minimizing exposure to environmental toxins—like chemicals in household products, pollution, and electromagnetic fields—can further protect your well-being. Practice Self-Care and Compassion Finally, self-care and compassion are essential. Treat yourself with kindness and patience as you navigate these profound changes. Remember that awakening is a holistic process happening on all levels of your being, so be patient with any part of you that is needing extra care. At any time, what you need may be different from what you had planned, so be forgiving and compassionate about meeting your needs in the present. Set healthy boundaries to protect your energy and well-being, and remember that your physical body is your sacred vessel through this transformative process. By integrating these strategies into your daily life, you can support your physical body as you journey through the spiritual ascension process, ensuring that your growth is balanced, harmonious, and deeply nourishing. Kay, Sparkles Team
By Kay Prosser 08 Aug, 2024
How much do you love the life you have in this moment? Not just like your life, but genuinely love it? The key to enhancing your life lies in your perception of it. Let's explore how shifting your focus from lack to love and gratitude can transform your experience. Self-Perception and Life Satisfaction Reflect on your life and ask yourself how much you truly love it. Your perception sets the foundation for your experience. If you focus on what you lack, you will likely feel dissatisfied. Instead, aim to see and appreciate the positives in your life. Overcoming Limitations and Illusions Many of us buy into the limitations of earthly life, believing that more money, a perfect partner, or a dream job will make us happy. This focus on what we don't have creates an energetic emphasis on lack, which can attract more of the same. The Downward Spiral of Lack Focusing on what you lack can create a downward spiral, reinforcing negative feelings and situations. This can manifest physically and emotionally, making you feel stuck or even depressed. Recognizing this pattern is the first step to breaking it. Creating Your Reality Remember, you are constantly creating your reality with your thoughts and focus. When you focus on what you lack, you bring more of it into your life. Conversely, focusing on what you love and appreciate invites more positivity and abundance. The Power of Gratitude Gratitude is a powerful tool for shifting your vibration. By focusing on what you are grateful for, you can transform your experience. Instead of dwelling on what you lack, celebrate what you have and watch how your life changes. Creating What You Desire Take time to reflect on your true desires. What genuinely brings you joy? This is not about material wants but about what fulfills you on a deeper level. Regularly assess and realign your goals with your heart's true wishes. Role of Surrender Learn to surrender difficult situations without attachment to the outcome. When you surrender from a place of love and gratitude, not lack, you allow positive changes to unfold naturally. Guidance and Periodic Review Seek guidance from your highest self and spiritual guides. Annually review your life to ensure your goals and desires align with your evolving self. This practice helps you stay focused on what truly brings you joy and fulfillment. Practical Applications Every part of your life has its own vibration. Whether it's your home, your job, or your relationships, focus on love and gratitude to enhance these vibrations. This can improve your overall experience and bring more positivity into your life. Jobs If you dislike your job, focus on the aspects you love. Maybe you appreciate the hours, a friendly colleague, or the paycheck. This positive focus can improve your experience and help you find a better job from a place of higher vibration. Relationships In relationships, focusing on your partner's positive traits and the good times you share can improve the relationship. When you concentrate on what you love about them, you raise the relationship's vibration and foster a more positive connection. Practical Applications for Each Accelerated Awakening Path By embracing the practical aspects of your accelerated awakening path, you can navigate challenges and fully leverage your strengths. This approach accelerates your awakening and ensures a life filled with purpose, joy, and fulfillment. The Intuitive Feeler Intuitive Feelers can create a life they love by embracing their emotional intelligence and setting healthy boundaries to create nurturing, meaningful relationships. This will help you feel more stable and secure. By managing your energies and staying grounded, you can fully share your joy with loved ones. The Planetary Healer For a Planetary Healer, balancing your mission for a better world with self-care is key. Maintain a hopeful outlook and recognizing your efforts to avoid burnout and stay inspired. By integrating your grand vision with everyday practices, you can sustain your dedication to positive change while enjoying a fulfilling life. The Deep Diver Deep Divers can achieve a life they love by balancing intense inner work with lighter, joyful experiences. Use advanced methods to shift and integrate insights, and nurture relationships for deeper connections. A harmonious blend of introspection and external engagement leads to a sense of wholeness and peace. The Spiritual Adventurer Spiritual Adventurers should blend their love for new experiences with the establishment of deep roots for long-term growth. This balance will help you maintain focus and sustain meaningful relationships while seeking out new thrills. This ensures a fulfilling, dynamic journey, supporting personal and spiritual growth. Remember to focus on what brings you happiness, peace, and laughter, continuously raising your vibration. Shift from lack to love and gratitude, reflect on your true desires, and seek higher guidance. Embrace these practices to transform your life into one you genuinely love, experiencing profound fulfillment and joy. Kay, Sparkles Team
By Ana-La-Rai 25 Jul, 2024
What an exciting time on planet Earth as the Guides bring more Advanced Opportunities for each of us on our spiritual journeys. The July 2024 session was no exception! No matter which type of accelerated awakening journey you are on, this process will be beneficial. Given the importance of this information and process to humanity, my Guides have asked me to share it in various formats and offer the recording of this session at a reduced rate. The session, initially titled “Improving Your Health,” featured a new Being of Light to me, called “Lady Rose.” She is a Venusian who works with Dr. Lorphan, head of the Galactic Healers, and has now focused her efforts on Earth and humanity. She shared that two key factors are now in play, allowing a significant new energy to come through at this time, which she explains in the session. This new energy is Full Spectrum Source Light and is not yet flowing onto the planet, only to individuals who request to receive it. The energy is designed to help the physical human body begin the process of returning to its original state of health. Lady Rose began by reminding us to follow what we already know and what health experts share with us: eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, nuts, and maintain a plant-based diet; get ample restful sleep; drink plenty of purified water; move your body and spend time in nature as often as possible; get sunshine; remove toxins from your body; and reduce your stress levels. She then introduced us to this new energy and a simple process to call on it daily. Full Spectrum Source Light is available to all who consciously call upon it. To receive it, you must sit quietly, visualizing or feeling the energies, and remain focused. Sit in an aligned, peaceful, and calm state, connected to your Highest Self. Use these words, in your native language, three times in a row: “I call forth to receive MY full spectrum Source Light.” Visualize, feel, or sense this rainbow light coming down from Source, entering through your Soul Star chakra. This Full Spectrum Source Light continues down through the chakras, through your body, organs, skin, and ends in your Earth Star chakra. This energy does not enter any Earth grids; it stays within your physical body as its purpose is only for the physical form. The entire process takes about 10 minutes. Once you have filled your whole body, you may continue to receive more energy, asking your Highest Self to direct more of it to specific areas of your body. When you are done simply say, “I am complete” and offer your gratitude for the gift. You must consciously call this energy forth for yourself. For the first year that you receive it, Lady Rose recommends calling upon it once per day at least four days per week to see results. You may call on it daily if you choose. It’s also important to continue to do your own emotional clearing because your emotional and physical health are directly connected. Whether you are on the path of a Deep Diver, Spiritual Adventurer, Planetary Healer, or Intuitive Feeler, each of us can use this daily download to assist our physical beingness and begin to return to a state of health and vitality that has not been available to humans for a long time. As mentioned, the Guides have asked me to offer this recording at a greatly reduced price to help you feel the energies of the Full Spectrum Rainbow Light and follow the recorded process, ensuring you receive the proper energies. Those who joined me live for this session paid $55 USD per person. Normally, the edited recording would sell for $200 or more, but we are offering it for just $29.99 USD. We would love to hear your experience of these new energies, so feel free to come back and share below in the comments! Wishing you many beautiful experiences and changes with the new Full Spectrum Rainbow Source Light! Ana-La-Rai
By Kay Prosser 02 Jul, 2024
In the journey of spiritual awakening, our emotions play a crucial role. By focusing our thoughts on our emotions, we can tap into a wealth of benefits that uplift our energy, enhance our vitality, and bring us into closer alignment with our highest self. Here's why focusing on your emotions can create new momentum for you on your spiritual journey: Raising Your Vibration When you focus on positive emotions, your vibration naturally raises. Imagine the feeling of joy, love, or gratitude filling your heart. These high-vibration emotions elevate your energy, creating an aura of comfort and healing around you. This uplifting energy not only benefits you but also has a ripple effect, positively impacting those around you. Your raised vibration becomes a beacon of light, attracting more positivity into your life. Open the Flow of Desires Positive emotions open the floodgates for your desires to flow more freely. When you feel good, your energy is vibrant and alive, fueling your passions and dreams with renewed vitality. This sense of vitality empowers you to pursue your desires with enthusiasm and confidence. It's like a refreshing breeze that propels you forward, making your goals seem more attainable and your path clearer. Enhance Your Manifesting Focusing on positive emotions also heightens your ability to manifest. In a state of emotional positivity, you are aligned with the universe, making it easier to attract what you truly want. If you're uncertain about your desires, this is the perfect time to seek divine guidance. Trust that the universe will reveal the path that aligns with your highest good. By maintaining a positive emotional state, you become a powerful co-creator of your reality. Aligning with Your Highest Self Our emotions are powerful indicators of our alignment with our highest self. When you focus on your emotions, you gain clarity on what thoughts, feelings, and choices bring you into alignment with your true self. This discernment is invaluable in navigating your life and spiritual journey. By honoring your emotions and allowing them to guide you, you can make decisions that resonate with your inner calling. The practice of focusing your thoughts on your emotions is a foundational step on your spiritual path. As you become more attuned to your emotions, you'll discover a deeper connection with yourself and the universe. Allow your emotions to be your guide, and watch as your life unfolds in beautiful and unexpected ways. Kay, Sparkles Team
By Kay Prosser 18 Jun, 2024
Surrender is often misunderstood and underestimated. Many people see it as a sign of weakness or giving up, as reinforced by media and societal norms. However, true surrender is far from being weak. It is an act of profound faith and courage, inviting the assistance of a higher power. Understanding the essence of surrender can transform how we approach challenges in our lives. True surrender is not about giving up or admitting defeat. Instead, it involves having unwavering trust in a higher power—whether that’s your higher self, angels, God, or Source energy. Surrendering means allowing this higher power to assist you, opening up your energetic fields to high vibrations, creativity, and solutions. It is a courageous act of letting go of control and expectations, trusting that the divine will bring forth the best outcomes for your highest good. By embracing surrender, you remove the burden of decision-making and problem-solving from your shoulders, inviting divine assistance to guide you through life’s challenges. When you surrender, you create a direct pathway for high vibrations and creative solutions to enter your life. This influx of new possibilities is much like information traveling across an internet line. Many people only consider surrendering in times of extreme difficulty or desperation, akin to dialing into a higher realm crisis center for immediate assistance. While divine help is always instantaneous, you may not fully realize all you are receiving. There is no need to wait until you are in desperation to benefit from surrender. Waiting until you believe you have no alternatives makes surrendering harder because, by that time, your heart is often closed and your vibration low. Practicing how to surrender earlier, during smaller difficulties, makes the process easier and more effective when facing more significant challenges. It’s about learning to let go before reaching a state of crisis. To effectively surrender, it’s crucial to use the words "I surrender" or "I am surrendering," spoken out loud at least three times. True surrender must come from the heart, not just from a place of mental frustration. It’s important to release all expectations and desired outcomes, allowing higher possibilities to emerge. Unconditional release is the essence of true surrender, removing the burden of decision-making and problem-solving from your shoulders. This leads to better and often unexpected solutions aligned with your highest good, even if they aren’t immediately apparent or the ones you desire. Incorporating surrender into your life can start with smaller challenges. Practicing surrender early on in challenging situations rather than waiting until you are immobilized by difficulty eases the process and helps develop trust that the solutions provided will always be for your highest good. Remember, surrender is not about defeat, but about inviting divine assistance to lead you forward. By embracing the power of surrender, you open yourself up to higher vibration and divine assistance from the higher realms and Source. It’s a practice that can bring immense relief, higher solutions, and a deeper connection with the divine. Start practicing today and experience the profound impact surrender can have on your life. Kay, Sparkles Team Wisdom from Lady Hope
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